Get it Fresh

Mint Vending is a family-owned business providing exceptional amenity management across North Carolina.


We tailor our solutions to your location

We provide bulk candy, arcade, snack, drink and fresh food vending amenity services using top of the line technology and exceptional customer service.

Bulk Candy

Single and multiple head machines offering candy, gum, nuts, small toys, stamps, stationary, and novelty. A fresh take on the nostalgic days of old.


Crane machines and amusement machines that provide experiences that cater to your location. We all enjoy a challenge!


Using technologically enabled vending services providing snack, drink, fresh food and convenience items that cater to your clientele. We keep it fresh and simple for your location.

How We Work

Let’s Get Started


Request a visit

Our team will schedule a time to meet with you and see your location to consult on solutions.



We will work with you throughout the process of placement, installation, and working with your clientele to customize product mix.



We will take it from there our service team will manage and refresh the amenity at no cost or hassle to you. We are always there to solve any service or management issue that may come up with our services.

who we work with

Are you a location that has substantial foot traffic and lack access to convenient amenity management?

About us

Our family business has one mission to create a convenient and satisfying experience for both our location owners and our customers


Our Products

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How do I get a machine placed in my location?

Call us or fill out our request form online. We are very responsive and will have a team member schedule a consultation with you on site and tailor solutions to your specific needs.

How long does it take a machine to be placed

As we tailor machine needs to locations timing may vary for when a machine is placed. Coordination and shipment to location for install can take between 30 and 45 days.

What do you need from me?

We need access to a well-lit space that can be seen by foot traffic and an electricity connection from you. We will handle the rest from installation, customer service, and maintenance. You will now have a new vending amenity at your location free of charge and hassle!

Is there a contract?

Yes, with all of our locations we sign a Vending Services Agreement. This agreement establishes that Mint Vending LLC is responsible for the ownership and maintenance requirements for our machines in your location.

How can I cancel?

Please give us notice via email or calling us 30 days prior to when you need to machine moved from your location. Our team will work with the location team to schedule a pickup within those 30 days.

Can I earn a commission?

For our premier locations we do provide a negotiated commission. These locations must either be multi-site locations or high value locations earning more than $1500 in monthly revenues per machine. Commissions are based on a net profit basis and can range from 5-10%.

Have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.